Monday, July 27, 2015

Succulent Care

When you're a plant hoarder it's good to know how to properly take care of you're planties!
Todays post is on succulent care! I'm going to tell you everything I know about these babies. When I first got my succulents they were shriveled, sun-deprived little lumps. It was depressing. I didn't know very much about them at them time but I did know that they don't like a lot of water sense they're part of the cactus family. (Having trouble with watering or the right amount of sunlight? Scroll to the bottom!)

Well like a good hoarder I got on Pinterest and looked up "How to take care of succulents" the results were dull. Most of the pins weren't what I was looking for which was "What to do when your succulent starts shedding its fluid pouches..." (Translation: My succulents peddles are falling off...HELP.)

After days of searching I found pins that were actually helpful. It was around this time that another one was growing strait up in the air, like it was stretching its neck .
It looked something like this. So I searched a little more and found out that my poor baby was searching for light. I was starving my poor succulent, depriving the little thing of light. So when you run into a situation like this what do you do? Well let me help you... I studied up on the subject and experimented it many times (once... it works I promise.)

Step 1.) Cut the new freaky looking growth off.
 You should end up with this^... Vowalla!

Step 2.) Add honey to the base of the freak and place it a dirt filled pot
In a few weeks it should start to root and will become another succulent! Don't get anxious if nothing happens for a while. Succulents like to take their time when it comes to everything...

Step 3.) Having trouble with your fluid pouches (peddles) falling off? Put a little honey at the base and shove it into a pot and it will start too root!
Just one succulent can provide you with ten! (depending on how things go...) After completing these neat steps your other succulents should have new growth!
Like this!^ Isn't it cute? Aww!

A good watering schedule that worked for me is watering once a month. Pick a number, (I picked 3) and then water your succulents on the 3rd (Or whenever) of every month! Super simple and super great for your plants!

As a lover of plants I desired to have my plants somewhere where I can see them. Well for me that's indoors, Your succulent should have a good amount of sunlight on it so I would suggest somewhere near a window or on a window seal. In the winter it's different... I wouldn't suggest putting them on the seal because they would get to cold. I would suggest putting them near the window or under a lamp! that will keep them cozy and healthy in the winter!

Thanks for reading and don't be shy to give feedback or post suggestions! Happy Blogging!


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