Wednesday, November 18, 2015

More Wiriting Junk & What Not...

When you think about it, my life was built for a writing schedule. Since I'm home schooled and my photoshoots are spaced out well, I have numerous amounts of free time on my hands. Although I find myself choosing to fill my time with things that aren't writing.


I think the issue is that I don't want to give myself the old kick in the pants to write. I want to do what relaxes my brain, which is pinteresting like you wouldn't believe and watching AMC's The Walking Dead. NERD ALERT--you'll have to get used to that--what I end up telling myself in these instances, is that I'm just "lacking inspiration..." when it really only takes one chapter of something FABULOUS to get the juices flowing. In reality I think the problem is "doing whats easiest."

Its true that watching The Walking Dead is much easier than creating a world, but if I don't give myself that dreaded kick in the pants, no one will be able to read my book and fall in love with my characters just as much as I have!


Since we're on the subject of finishing things let me tell you another thing about this little adventure of mine... As you've probably noticed, I have my heart set on getting The Woodsmen published. Its kinda frightening to think about the publishing part of things though.
1.) Because I don't know how it works.
2.) Because I don't even know how to get the thing in that process.
and 3.) I have know idea what I'm doing...

Some things that I have figured out:
 I know that I need an agent--and I'm assuming that I can't just order one from amazon...sadly.
I also know that I need an editor--which I have...sorta. She's a huge help, but really neither one of us know what we're doing. It's all just trial and error--which keeps things exciting!

I'm sure I'll get the hang of this, I mean, heck, half of life is trial and error. As long as we have people willing to travel unknown waters with us, we'll be fine!

Thanks for reading, and if you--or someone you know--can help with my Mary Poppins bag of questions and issues, please feel free to contact me! Thanks again, y'all rock my socks off!

Maverick Steel Roberts



Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. James!



The Richardson's