Thursday, October 22, 2015

Writing With Claira

Writing has been such a fun journey... Although I find myself unable to read, watch, or hear other stories because I'm litteraly coming up with new ideas for my current novel or potential's torturous sometimes...I've also found myself getting very attached to my characters to me they are real people, almost like my children. I want what's best for them even though they never listen to me.

I love writing more than anything else I do, photography can't compare to the love I have for writing. It's very ironic that I love writing, sense I am terrible at grammar, (I almost spelled grammar wrong...thank you autocorrect!) and I used to hate all things book until I was 12.

But sinking into another world, a world entirely my own, feels so magical. And also powerful... I can tell you there will be many people angry with me when this book is published, but also, you'll love it! Because, well I do!


Well first off grammar, I'm terrible with grammar.
Umm, let me think, I change things like the seasons... One minute I have a perfect plan and the next a character (James...) gets out of hand and ruins everything, which doesn't change my love for him. 

When I come to a cross roads--or when I've written two great endings to a chapter and I'm not sure what to pick, my friends (Morgan and Jessica) are more than willing to give me excillant feed back and help me decide!

Thanks for reading, more to come in the near future! (And hopefully a book too!)